Welcome to keyword school.

Content performance not hitting the mark? Algorithms giving you anxiety? Stressed about recent Google updates? Your toolbox and methodology are likely out of date.

Forget what you've learned about content SEO. Reframe your understanding of "the algorithm." Master audience and keyword research, and make the web a better place.

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More than (key)Words

Audience research for brilliant business-building content
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Keyword research makes your content better, whether you're a

  • Content marketer
  • Brand expert
  • Independent creator
  • Audience editor
  • Journalist
  • SEO specialist
  • Any content professional publishing online


Learn how to wield this powerful methodology to create discoverable, quality digital content in the AI era.

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Build content for the future of digital discovery.

Natural language processing is here to stay. Understand how the language we use impacts how our audiences find our digital content.

Whether we're writing for search engines, AI, or the mega sci-fi library of the future, reaching readers means understanding how and why they search. 

Learn leading-edge methods to build quality, findable content for contemporary digital audiences.


Here's what we'll cover in this five-unit course:


Build a foundation.

Digital content is built differently than print and video media. Consider how academic theories of the past inform the commercial programming of the present.

  • Learn about the history of keywords.
  • Understand how advertising plays into the equation.
  • Revise what you learned about meta descriptions.

We'll invoke the theoretical father of keyword research, Raymond Williams, pictured here.

Raymond Williams, the Welsh theorist who popularized keywords

Sharpen your skills.

Learn to use a professional commercial search data mining toolkit to inform quality content. All methodologies are easily adapted for multiple market-leading SEO software products.

  • Master data-mining software like Google Search Console and keyword research tools.
  • Evaluate your data with great content in mind.
  • Introduce AI to your keyword research workflow.



Define your knowledge graph.

Build authority with your expert content. Discover what your audience wants to find, and own your corner of the internet. 

  • Analyze and interpret your research for humans.
  • Choose keywords that make your business better.
  • Develop practical takeaways that can inform your content strategy immediately.
  • Get 1:1 feedback with a 15-minute instructor consulting session.


Power up your content strategy today

Master human-centered research techniques to improve your digital content, messaging, and information architecture.

Take the course

What's in your knowledge graph?

April 30, 2024 / Noon EDT | 11AM CDT

Natural language processing (NLP) — an umbrella term for the technology that reads all language-first digital content — is here to stay. How can you prepare your brand's content for entity-first search and ever-shifting discovery that NLP enables?

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About your instructor

Hi, I'm Deborah Carver, and I'm an independent consultant based in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

In The Content Technologist newsletter, I've been writing about keyword research since 2019. As a consultant, I've completed SEO strategy projects since 2013, when Google introduced natural language processing (NLP) to its organic algorithms.

This course is original content I've never published in detail before. I'm demonstrating processes developed and iterated as search engines and device behavior have evolved.

I've executed successful research for clients in more than 40 industries — leading art museums, hyperniche B2B software products, Fortune 500s, environmental organizations, and more.

I believe in learning by doing, so I designed this experience to help you complete a research project while we cover the theory.

And to answer any questions you may have about the process, each course attendee will receive a complimentary one-to-one 15-minute consulting session with me. 

Deborah Carver headshot

Overcome algorithm anxiety

Join More than (key)Words and learn to navigation the future of search and natural language processing. Access early-bird pricing until June 15, 2024.

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